Posted on September 28, 2020 in Dynamics

How well is it going?

The market is starting up again. But who is gaining ground in the Dynamics World? In total, more than 300,000 jobs have been lost in the Netherlands in recent months. Does this also apply to the IT market? From our perspective we see a growth in the demand for Dynamics Personnel in the manufacturing and fruit and vegetable industry, logistics and transport. For us, this means that the partners in these branches are still winning projects. The end customer now wants value for money. The processes must be efficient and the software must cooperate. The digital transformation has started!

A year ago, the focus was on every function within the Dynamics Range. Demand was fairly equal from developers to consultants. When corona started the entire market took off. It was a question of how long the lockdown would last. After corona, the shift began. Suddenly the focus was on sales, so the demand for Ce consultants increased. Companies thought it more important that they gain insight into how efficient their processes were. The Power Platform and Power BI consultants became scarcer and became the gods of Dynamics. Licenses were canceled at end customers and processes were improved with APPS (Logic / Function APPS). Why would you use a client when an APP can frame your processes.

Get more out of the standard
In the freelance world, the ERP side was on the rise again. Not for developers, only for consultants. Let’s just say “getting more out of the standard”. The real explanation has yet to emerge. We suspect that the partners who bring in new projects are full and have no capacity, which means that existing customers must approach the freelancer.

The projects started in the 3rd quarter and the wishes are known on the market. Project managers and consultants cannot be dragged around. We respond to this because we have “saved” profiles in quiet times. We started talking when no one else did. Because we have a solid clientele with a logical spread, we can place a candidate who is open to a new job. We just have a lot of beautiful pots and we are just constantly looking for lids.

We certainly noticed that the Dynamics Professional is simply open to a change in his career. You would just expect everyone to stop. We can only conclude that the ERP / CRM market is simply healthy and that the end customers are fully committed to digital transformation. We are not researchers and our story is based on our assumptions.

Are you now looking for a new career with a new partner or end customer? Then talk to me or Daniel Wongsodikromo.

Are you interested in a freelance career? Then you should definitely approach us …

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